Tarot is an opportunity to help people see what is possible for their future in a visual way. Tarot could be useful to anyone who has questions, or needs clarity around their life such as business, family, love, health etc. Tarot has been used by the peoples throughout time and has been developed over the years to fit our modern day society. A tarot session with me includes a 1 hour card reading, this could either be a general reading or if you want to focus on a specific question. Most questions end up getting answered within one reading!
Rate for one hour is $100 or 4 sessions for $90 each ($360 total), payment required at first session. Contact for further info on rates about group events, such as parties, weddings, Halloween etc.
An Aura/Chakra reading is a revealing, healing and energetic look at your inner beauty. Aura/Chakra readings can be used by everyone to find out what is expanding, and what needs attention. Aura is synchronistic with the chakra system as they are closely tied together. If you feel stuck, depressed, low on energy regarding your body/mind, and you wonder what is going on. I can look at your aura/chakra and it gives me a blueprint of your energy, I will be able to see where you focus is, and it also tells me where you need to take care of yourself, body, mind and spirit. At that point we can clear the negative energy in your aura/chakras and replace it with light. Each individual's aura is totallly unique and a gift for me to see. You will certainly walk out of the reading feeling renewed, energetic, and uplifted.
Rate for one hour is $115 or 4 sessions for $90 each ($360 total), full payment required at first session. Contact for further info on rates about group events, such as parties, weddings, Halloween etc.
Energy pulls/clearings is an experience that I received from a program called access consciousness. It is a unique way of bringing your desires to reality through stating what you choose (money, love, good health, joy), creating that energy and finally letting go of your walls and barriers to be able to expand yourself and receive what you choose from the universe into your being. By doing this we can create anything in your life and you will quickly notice that anyone who is desiring the same thing will be drawn to you and ultimately help create the universe that you chose. In this process we will be clearing old energy and anything that doesn't contribute to who you are such as how we define ourselves, and others points of view. The power of this work allows us to be who we really are, by letting go and bringing in light, love and energy.
The rate for a 1 hour session $100, or 4 sessions for $80 each ($320 total), full payment required at first session.